Easter is coming…

We’re soon approaching Holy Week and Easter, when we remember Jesus’ death and him rising from the dead. We have a full week of services and activities, and everyone is welcome. Full details are below, or download our flyer

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Sunday 14 April, 9.50am Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday Procession with Eucharist

Meet next to the Co-op in The Village, with procession to St Luke’s or

Meet at corner of Woodland Terrace and Heathwood Gardens, with procession to St Thomas’


Monday 15 April, 7.30pm

Creative worship for Holy Week at St Thomas’


Tuesday 16 April, 7.00pm

Agape meal includes Communion at St Thomas’.

Please email news@charlton.church to confirm attendance


Wednesday 17 April, 8.00pm

Stations of the Cross at St Luke’s


Thursday 18 April, 8.00pm

Liturgy of Maundy Thursday with foot washing

at St Luke’s, followed by Maundy Watch


Friday 19 April

1.00pm: Good Friday Liturgy and Eucharist at St Luke’s followed by walk to St Thomas’ for…

2.45pm: Good Friday Reflection at St Thomas’


Saturday 20 April, 10.30am – 12.30pm

Messy Easter for families with children aged 12 and below at St Richard’s Church Centre


Sunday 21 April, 10.00am

Easter Day Eucharist with lighting of the Easter fire at both St Luke’s and St Thomas’

With Egg Hunt and Children’s mini competitions after the service



St Luke’s Church, The Village, SE7 8UG

St Thomas’ Church, Woodland Terrace, SE7 8EN

St Richard’s Church Centre, Swallowfiled Road, SE7 7NR

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