Morning Prayer Thursday May 13th 2021

Morning Prayer Thursday May 13th 2021

Blanca celebrates Ascension day this Morning Prayer, reading Psalm 110; “Lord Jesus, divine Son and eternal priest, inspire us with the confidence of your final conquest over evil”. Blanca asks for help as we pray this Ascension day – through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with God the Father, God the Holy...

Evening Prayer Wednesday May 12th 2021

Evening Prayer Wednesday May 12th 2021

Rick reads Psalm 50 where he considers sin and penitence, and Psalm 24 which reminds us that God is the creator and invisible sustainer of our universe. Rick reminds us that this is the last Rogation day, so he prays for all who rely on a bountiful harvest for their livelihood; That those who sow in...

Morning Prayer Wednesday May 12th 2021

Morning Prayer Wednesday May 12th 2021

Blanca reminds us that today is the last Rogation day before Ascension day, we pray for those who work to feed us all, that everyone who asks receives, those who seek find, and if you knock it shall be opened to you. Blanca recites a prayer from Christian Aid to our Creator God, who loves...

Evening Prayer Tuesday May 11th 2021

Evening Prayer Tuesday May 11th 2021

Evening Prayer with Rick who reads Psalm 128 and Psalm 130; “My soul waits for the Lord, more than the night watch for the morning”. Rick commends all living in the depths of despair and darkness to God’s mercy and faithful love. On this second Rogation day before Ascension Day, Rick prays for all working...

Morning Prayer Tuesday May 11th 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday May 11th 2021

“The night has passed and the day lies open before us”, Blanca leads our Morning Prayer and asks Christ our Morning Star who knows no setting, to help us find and keep Christ’s light ever-burning in our hearts. Blanca’s Christian Aid prayer reading calls to our God of reconciliation and grace – that we may...

Evening Prayer Monday May 10th 2021

Evening Prayer Monday May 10th 2021

Our first Evening Prayer led by Rick who reads Psalm 121 this evening, which reminds us about trust; “I lift up my eyes to the hills; from where is my help to come? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” Rick marks the first of three Rogation days before Ascension Day,...

Morning Prayer Monday May 10th 2021

Morning Prayer Monday May 10th 2021

Christian Aid Week – as this charity campaigns for social justice, this year it asks us to examine how we are destroying our environment. Our climate crisis hurts all – but people living in poverty fight the worst of it every day. From drought to flooding, climate change robs people of control over their lives....

Evening Prayer Saturday May 8th 2021

Evening Prayer Saturday May 8th 2021

Ansai’s final, calming Evening Prayer with us tonight – Psalm 118 reminds us of God’s protection; “he has given us light; link the pilgrims with cords right to the horns of the altar.” Ansai asks us to bring to mind the moment when Mary exclaimed; “‘I have seen the Lord!’ and grant us faith to believe!”...

Morning Prayer Saturday May 8th 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday May 8th 2021

Our last Morning Prayer this week with Revd. Bennett as he prays for our community and reads Psalm 146. Bennett prays that we learn how to live in our world with wisdom and humility and be aware of the needs of others, not just our own desires. Bennett calls to mind Julian of Norwich and...

Evening Prayer Friday May 7th 2021

Evening Prayer Friday May 7th 2021

Evening Prayer – Ansai quietly recalls that through God, dark death has been destroyed and radiant life is everywhere restored. Ansai reminds us to bless our God; “who holds our souls in life and suffers not our feet to slip.” For God has; “proved us as silver is tried.” Ansai asks for the Holy Spirit to...