Morning Prayer Wednesday March 10th 2021

Morning Prayer Wednesday March 10th 2021

We pray for God’s healing and deliverance this Morning Prayer. Liz thanks our Lord that we have passed through night and now greet a day of new possibilities and directions. Liz prays for all who share compassion with others – those who nurse, heal, care and enable. She asks us to consider and pray for...

Evening Prayer Tuesday March 9th 2021

Evening Prayer Tuesday March 9th 2021

Ansai’s Evening Prayer – she prays that when we cannot see God’s face, that our Lord will help us to see God in other people’s, especially essential workers, first responders and medical professionals who labour tirelessly. When we feel only sorrow in our souls, Ansai asks that we are helped to know that the joy...

Morning Prayer Tuesday March 9th 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday March 9th 2021

The night is passed and the day lies open before us – Liz B gives thanks that we have woken to see a new dawn this Morning Prayer. She reads Psalm 6 praying for hope and confidence as we go about our daily tasks. Liz prays for those who wake in anxiety and in pain,...

Evening Prayer Monday March 8th 2021

Evening Prayer Monday March 8th 2021

Our Evening Prayer and Ansai reminds us that to have nothing is to possess all – that the gift of paradox is to see the way down can be the way up, that a broken heart is the healed spirit and sometimes to bear the cross is to wear the crown. Ansai prays for Christ’s...

Morning Prayer Monday March 8th 2021

Morning Prayer Monday March 8th 2021

Liz B leads Morning Prayer this week and she gives thanks that we are able to rise to live another day. Liz praises God for the creation we see renewed around us – fresh beginnings and signs of Spring – new shoots, buds and lighter evenings. Liz asks that we take part in protecting God’s...

Evening Prayer Saturday March 6th 2021

Evening Prayer Saturday March 6th 2021

Matilda’s last gentle Evening Prayer this week and reading of Psalm 23. Her prayers remind us to be grateful for what we already have and that joy is found in simplicity and sharing with others. Matilda reminds us of Christ’s quiet love, that spoke the word of God, walked a painful road to the Cross,...

Morning Prayer Saturday March 6th 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday March 6th 2021

Michael and Peter offer their last, beautiful prayers this week. They consider the temptation of Jesus, his rejection of worldly values and faithfulness to God. They remind us that the morning is our Lord’s, rising in its fullness, the summer is our Lord’s as it dips into autumn – filling our world with the scent...

Evening Prayer Friday March 5th 2021

Evening Prayer Friday March 5th 2021

Matilda prays for us this Evening Prayer and recalls that we pray in sight of the Father who created us, in sight of the Son who purchased us and in sight of the Spirit who cleansed us. Matilda asks that the strengths of the world of the Three are bestowed on us as we live...

Morning Prayer Friday March 5th 2021

Morning Prayer Friday March 5th 2021

Peter and Michael lift up our souls to God – we remember God’s compassion and love at Morning Prayer as they recite Psalm 40 together. Peter asks God to help us live as one people understanding and sharing our Lord’s story of love. So that we all dare to live Christ’s story, imagining what could...

Evening Prayer Thursday March 4th 2021

Evening Prayer Thursday March 4th 2021

Matilda prays that the darkness of our misunderstanding be dispelled by God’s presence, may God strengthen us and displace our gloom of distraction. Evening Prayer and Matilda thanks God for the earth beneath our feet amd the skies above, and for the kindness of those who love and care for us.