Evening Prayer Friday December 4th 2020

Evening Prayer Friday December 4th 2020

Evening Prayer with Judith who asks that our hearts be cleared – so that we may truly sense God’s presence and know ourselves. Judith asks that we serve God in every moment and learn to be still and watchful, as we await our Lord’s coming in glory.

4th December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Friday December 4th 2020

Morning Prayer Friday December 4th 2020

Barbara leads our Morning Prayer – the night is nearly over so let us begin the adventure of a new day. Barbara prays for righteousness and mercy, for peace to prevail over our globalised world, for the poor to be empowered and businesses to be built on need not greed, and creation to be nurtured...

4th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Thursday December 3rd 2020

Evening Prayer Thursday December 3rd 2020

Evening Prayer – Judith reminds us why we must be still and aware as we pray; not because we have made peace, nor because we have treated others as ourselves and not because we have walked the earth with reverence this day – but because we await unity with Christ’s mercy, grace, peace and love.

3rd December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Thursday December 3rd 2020

Morning Prayer Thursday December 3rd 2020

The night is spent and the day is at hand – we anticipate the coming of Christ with Barbara in our Morning Prayer. She asks that when Christ comes, he will find us watching and waiting.

3rd December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Wednesday December 2nd 2020

Evening Prayer Wednesday December 2nd 2020

Evening Prayer and Judith asks us to consider the darkness that envelops us, as light dims and footsteps soften in the distance… Judith prays for our souls to enter the stillness of the night, as we feel our way towards God’s silence – at one with our Creator.

2nd December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Wednesday December 2nd 2020

Morning Prayer Wednesday December 2nd 2020

Lord of all, you are a God of plenty, help us to believe to know what we need and give us the courage to listen to your voice – we share the hope of your birth that each advent brings with all we meet – Barbara’s beautiful Morning Prayer for us this chilly morning.

2nd December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Tuesday December 2nd 2020

Evening Prayer Tuesday December 2nd 2020

As evening falls our Lord is revealed as light upon our path, as if to guide us. Judith’s Evening Prayer asks that we are more aware and appreciative of Christ’s presence, of the interplay of light and dark, and the darkness of earth from which we come and to which we will return.    

1st December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Tuesday December 1st 2020

Morning Prayer Tuesday December 1st 2020

Barbara joyfully leads our Morning Prayer on the first day of December – the dawn dispels the lingering shadows of night and in our Lord’s compassion we join together with Barbara and St Patrick to pray. God of the high mountain and the low valley – who inspires and supports all things – may sunshine...

1st December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Monday November 30th 2020

Evening Prayer Monday November 30th 2020

Our first Evening Prayer with Judith B who considers the ebb and flow of each day, the passage of time and our need for restorative sleep. In the setting of the sun, the darkness of the night, and the whiteness of the moon – our lives are measured by the earth’s turning – as we...

30th November 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Friday November 26th 2020

Morning Prayer Friday November 26th 2020

Morning Prayer and Catherine inspires us with an ancient prayer attributed to Saint Jerome, that reminds us of the parable of the Good Samaritan – and how Christ rescues us just as the Good Samaritan rescued a man lying hurt at the side of the road. We with Catherine ask God to keep us and...

27th November 20204th February 2021by