Rob leads our Evening Prayer and asks Christ to entrust all those ill and in pain to his everlasting embrace and tender care. Rob recites Catherine Smith’s prayer to remind us of the light God spills out into our world, risky, saving and wondrous – God cuts a swathe through the darkness and beckons us...
Author: Ali Edney (Ali Edney)
Morning Prayer Thursday November 26th 2020
Our Morning Prayer with Catherine and we consider the hope of harvest, even in the most difficult wilderness flowers and fruit can grow if nurtured – just as Christ’s love gives us hope in difficult times.
Evening Prayer Wednesday November 25th 2020
Evening Prayer with Rob who recalls Christ’s example – to love our neighbours and to care for those in need – as if we were looking after our Lord. In this time of anxiety give us strength to comfort the fearful, to assure the isolated of our love and the love of Jesus Christ our...
Morning Prayer Wednesday November 25th 2020
Our Morning Prayer with Catherine who considers sin, temptation and human frailty. We pray to come to God to learn obedience, seek forgiveness and live better through the gift of this new day.
Evening Prayer Tuesday November 24th 2020
Rob asks our Lord to watch over us tonight and reminds us that Christ is with us and around us – in danger and quiet times alike. We bind ourselves to the Holy Trinity and pray with Rob, who recites St Patrick’s prayer ‘Christ be with me’, for our Evening Prayer.
Morning Prayer Tuesday November 24th 2020
We praise our father for all of the beautiful creatures of this earth this Morning Prayer. Christ is alive in every one and Catherine reminds us of Pope Francis’ letter to all Christians, that we are given the grace to be profoundly joined with God’s creation and must care better for our world.
Evening Prayer Monday November 23rd 2020
Rob starts Evening Prayer this week by offering up prayers for the vulnerable: Homeless people, prisoners of conscience and political prisoners, those suffering mental and physical ill health and those who lack Christ’s hope and love.
Morning Prayer Monday November 23rd 2020
Catherine’s leads our first Morning Prayer this week and she prays that we put our trust in God more, to gain greater peace, hope, patience and wisdom. Catherine also reminds us of Christian Aid’s prayer for food justice – we pray powerful governments develop greater wisdom to share resources to eradicate hunger in developing countries.
Evening Prayer Saturday November 21st 2020
Evening Prayer and our final one with Gina and Ali as we ask our Lord to guide us as we pray for our church – like a shepherd that cares for their flock.
Morning Prayer Saturday November 21st 2020
Our last Morning Prayer with Rick this week as he thanks God that there is nothing – not even the disconnect caused by this pandemic – that separates us from the love of God and one another. Rick thanks God for the kindness of strangers and neighbours, recognising our shared vulnerability – all of us...