Weekly Newsletter – 22 November

Weekly Newsletter – 22 November

We’re pleased to share our new Newlsetter, which contains the latest information from our churches. Open newsletter   If you’d like to receive news from our churches, please sign up on this link.

Join our Livestreamed worship on Sunday at 10am

Join our Livestreamed worship on Sunday at 10am

This Sunday we’ll be worshipping live online and everyone is invited to join us. Durig this lockdown period, it is wonderful to worhsip together as one community. We can support each other through prayer and fellowship. We hope you can join the service which will be broadcast live. You can join the service live on...

Night Prayers every Sunday at 9pm

Night Prayers every Sunday at 9pm

Rev’d Bennett leads us in Night Prayers (known as Compline) every Sunday night at 9pm. We’ll be live on Zoom and you can join online or listen on any telephone Download Compline joining instructions Download Compline order of service

Join our Remembrance Sunday service on 8 November at 10am

Join our Remembrance Sunday service on 8 November at 10am

Our All Age Remembrance Sunday service is at 10am on 8 November. During the service we will hear the words of remembrance and keep silence. We hope you can join the service which will be broadcast live. You can join the service live on Zoom; on our YouTube channel; or listen via any telephone. Download joining...

All Souls Memorial Service – Catch-up

All Souls Memorial Service – Catch-up

At our All Souls service we remebered people who have died – those we love but see no longer. During this beautiful service we heard the experiences of people who have lost their relatives or friends, we said prayers for those who grieve, and lit candles for those we remember. Before the service began we...

Night Prayers every Sunday at 9pm

Night Prayers every Sunday at 9pm

Rev’d Bennett leads us in Night Prayers (known as Compline) every Sunday night at 9pm. We’ll be live on Zoom and you can join online or listen on any telephone Download Compline joining instructions Download Compline order of service  

All Saints Day Service – Sunday 1 November at 10am

All Saints Day Service – Sunday 1 November at 10am

This Sunday we celebrate the feast of All Saints and we look forward to welcoming you at our festival service The service will be broadcast live. You can join the service live on Zoom; on our YouTube channel; or listen via any telephone. Download joining details The Order of Service is available here ORDER OF SERVICE...