Sunday night prayers at 9pm

Sunday night prayers at 9pm

Every Sunday night, Rev’d Bennett leads us in a short service of Compline (night prayers). We’ll be live on Zoom or any telephone and everyone is invited Download Compline joining instructions Download Compline order of service

Night prayers at 9pm every Sunday

Night prayers at 9pm every Sunday

Everyone is welcome to join Revd Bennett for Night Prayers (also known as Compline) at 9pm every Sunday Download Compline joining instructions Download Compline order of service

A photographic lockdown journey – March 2020

A photographic lockdown journey – March 2020

Thom’s Times Eco is a Charlton Church Benefice WhatsApp urban group for people of all ages to share their interest in the natural world and to celebrate God’s Creation. We present a short sample diary of our photographic lockdown journey; our thirty members experiences from their flats and houses, exercise walks and isolation, beginning at...