Compline (or night prayers), 7 June at 9pm

Compline (or night prayers), 7 June at 9pm

Rev’d Bennett leads us in a short service of night prayers (known as Compline) every Sunday at 9pm. Everyone is welcome to join on Zoom or to listen on any telephone. Download Compline joining instructions Download Compline order of service

Trinity Sunday service, 7 June – listen again

Trinity Sunday service, 7 June – listen again

We’re pleased to provide an opportunity to catch up with our service for Trinity Sunday (The service begins at 14 mins)   During our prayers we gave thanks to God for the people and mission of Holy Trinity Church. Holy Trinity stood on the corner of Woolwich Road and Charlton Lane between 1894 and...

Catch up on the service from Sunday 24 May

Catch up on the service from Sunday 24 May

Our Service for the Sunday after Ascension on 24 May is available. (The service begins at 16:53) You can download the Order of Service on this link. The Bible readings for this service are: Acts 1 v 6-14; 1 Peter 4 v 12-14, 5 v 6-11 and John 17 v 1-11

Sunday night Compline (or night prayers) at 9pm

Sunday night Compline (or night prayers) at 9pm

We have a short service of Compline (also known as night prayers) every Sunday at 9pm. You’re welcome to join us live on Zoom or any telephone. Download Compline joining instructions You can follow and join in by downloading this order of service Download Compline Order of Service