Teen activities

Teen activities

Welcome to the first of our activities for young teenagers. We’ve come up with some weekly fun, biblical activities to do at home. This word search works well when studying the books of the Bible; however, it can also be used whenever the time seems right. About 40 different people contributed to the Bible that...

Fun activities for Children

Fun activities for Children

Welcome to the first of our activities for children. Children’s Church has come up with some weekly fun, biblical activities for children to do at home. In these activities to download, we will learn about some women in the Bible, who were blessed with children. These women found favour in God’s eyes because they were...

Sunday’s Service – join us live at 10am

Sunday’s Service – join us live at 10am

This Sunday, and every Sunday, we will be livestreaming our 10am service. You can watch it live online using Zoom, or you can dial in to hear it on any telephone (landline or mobile). This week, Rev’d Liz will lead the service.   Watching online To watch the service on Zoom, you will need to...