Thom’s Times

Thom’s Times

Worried about how much plastic we use? Join us on Saturday 24th February at St Thomas Church and discover much fun you can have using natural things like mud, stones and wood.

22nd February 201822nd February 2018by
Thomas Times ‘Once a Month Saturdays’

Thomas Times ‘Once a Month Saturdays’

This month we had a great time learning about birds and making cakes (for us as well as the birds).

Join us on the 24th February to make things out of wood, stone and mud.

6th February 20186th February 2018by
Tackling the Impact of Growing Up in Poverty

Tackling the Impact of Growing Up in Poverty

I want to invite you to XLP’s next conference Tackling the Impact of Growing Up in Poverty on Wednesday 28th February at 6:30pm. We currently have Early Bird Tickets available, so get one while you can!

20th January 201820th January 2018by
Prayer for Epiphany

Prayer for Epiphany

Loving God,

In this season of gifts,
We celebrate the many signs of your glory made known in your world.

20th January 201820th January 2018by