Our prayers examine scripture and support our response in a prayerful and reflective way. Rosie leads Evening and Morning Prayer this Advent time. Evening Prayer – Rosie asks us where we encountered Jesus today – out in nature, in other people, or at home?
Morning Prayer Wednesday December 8th 2021
Rosie leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Advent Morning Prayer – Rosie considers a passage from Matthew’s gospel, chapter 15, verses 1 to 20. This scripture illustrates the conflict between the Pharisees and their established, religious laws, and Jesus’ teachings – as he uses parables to help his followers understand the subtleties...
Evening Prayer Tuesday December 7th 2021
Our prayers examine scripture and support our response in a prayerful and reflective way. Rosie leads Evening and Morning Prayer this Advent time. Evening Prayer – Rosie prays for enlightenment, showing us where God has been at work and present through events, people and places. Rosie asks us to consider tonight, where our hearts felt...