Morning Prayer Tuesday December 8th 2020

Morning Prayer Tuesday December 8th 2020

Morning Prayer – we bless God our mighty sovereign power, our gentle caring mother, for the great gifts bestowed to us. Liz thanks God for Creation, Scripture and Christ’s forgiving Love – shedding light in our darkness.

8th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Monday December 7th 2020

Evening Prayer Monday December 7th 2020

Our first Evening Prayer this week with our Curate, Revd. Adelaide, who asks our Lord to come again to heal our wounded and weary world, and nourish and sustain us all in our faith.

7th December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Monday December 7th 2020

Morning Prayer Monday December 7th 2020

Our Rector Liz Newman reads our first Morning Prayer this week – Liz considers Christ’s advent – whether poor, proud, persecuted or privileged, Christ’s coming will make all things new. That the powerful might stumble, that the humble might be raised – Christ’s arrival will renew everything.

7th December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Saturday December 5th 2020

Morning Prayer Saturday December 5th 2020

Barbara leads Morning Prayer for the last time today. She asks Christ to help us learn humility and give us courage to follow him without doubting our choices. Barbara prays that God is present with us all, here and now as we pray.

5th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Friday December 4th 2020

Evening Prayer Friday December 4th 2020

Evening Prayer with Judith who asks that our hearts be cleared – so that we may truly sense God’s presence and know ourselves. Judith asks that we serve God in every moment and learn to be still and watchful, as we await our Lord’s coming in glory.

4th December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Friday December 4th 2020

Morning Prayer Friday December 4th 2020

Barbara leads our Morning Prayer – the night is nearly over so let us begin the adventure of a new day. Barbara prays for righteousness and mercy, for peace to prevail over our globalised world, for the poor to be empowered and businesses to be built on need not greed, and creation to be nurtured...

4th December 20204th February 2021by
Newsletter for Sunday 6 December

Newsletter for Sunday 6 December

You can catch up with the latest news from our churches in our weekly newsletter Download this week’s newsletter   If you’d like to receive news from our churches, please sign up on this link.

Join our livestreamed service on Sunday 6 December at 10am

Join our livestreamed service on Sunday 6 December at 10am

We continue the Advent season this Sunday, the period when we prepare for Christ’s coming. We’ll be worshipping live online and everyone is invited to join us. We can support each other through prayer and fellowship. We hope you can join the service which will be broadcast live. You can join the service live on...