Evening Prayer Friday October 30th 2020

Evening Prayer Friday October 30th 2020

Patricia prays that Christ, who taught us to love our neighbours as ourselves, walks along side us so that we can care for those in need. We ask for Christ’s strength to comfort the fearful and the sick, and his generosity to assure the isolated of our love through Evening Prayer.

30th October 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Friday October 30th 2020

Morning Prayer Friday October 30th 2020

Morning Prayer – Remi asks that God shines through each of us, so that every person we meet feels the presence of our Lord’s love and our renewed strength and purpose to proclaim God’s word.

30th October 20204th February 2021by
All Saints Day Service – Sunday 1 November at 10am

All Saints Day Service – Sunday 1 November at 10am

This Sunday we celebrate the feast of All Saints and we look forward to welcoming you at our festival service The service will be broadcast live. You can join the service live on Zoom; on our YouTube channel; or listen via any telephone. Download joining details The Order of Service is available here ORDER OF SERVICE...

All Souls memorial service – Sunday 1 November at 6pm

All Souls memorial service – Sunday 1 November at 6pm

We are pleased to welcome you to our All Souls service. At this beautiful service we will remember those who we love but see no longer, and thank God for all they mean to us. We’ll also share prayers to support all who mourn We’ll meet online, either on Zoom or YouTube. You can also...

Evening Prayer Thursday October 29th 2020

Evening Prayer Thursday October 29th 2020

Patricia prays to the God of all, who sits with refugees in overcrowded boats, as a father with his family. Patricia asks that we who bear Christ’s name answer the needs of refugees with compassion and empathy.

29th October 20204th February 2021by
Stewardship – you can help

Stewardship – you can help

In our Stewardship service we learned how we can all contribute to the mission of our churches through our time, talents and our money. Please think carefully about how you can support our churches. Please download this Stewardship flier to learn more about the ways you can help our church And if you can support...

Morning Prayer Thursday October 29th 2020

Morning Prayer Thursday October 29th 2020

Morning Prayer and our prayers rise with Remi’s, so that we carry this new dawn to our family, work and our dreams. Remi calls for our penitence through prayer and reminds us of God’s forgiveness, so that we live anew each day to proclaim the cross.

29th October 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Wednesday October 28th 2020

Evening Prayer Wednesday October 28th 2020

Evening Prayer and Patricia prays that God will be our tower of strength – that we fix our hearts where true joys are to be found and in response to God’s love our lives overflow in thanksgiving and generosity.

28th October 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Wednesday October 28th 2020

Morning Prayer Wednesday October 28th 2020

The Lord watches over the simple – Remi thanks God for the light of a new day and prays that we wake to shine with God’s goodness in our hearts, and walk as children of light.

28th October 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Tuesday October 27th 2020

Evening Prayer Tuesday October 27th 2020

Patricia considers the virtue of patience and what it means to have faith in silence in Evening Prayer. Patricia prays for us when we face trials beyond our understanding, that we continue to be joyful in hope, to wait patiently, and find peace in our Lord’s plan for us.

27th October 20204th February 2021by