Livestreamed Service on Sunday 4 October, 10am

Livestreamed Service on Sunday 4 October, 10am

We look forward to you joining us on Sunday 27th September at 10.00am for our  live-streamed Eucharist. The service will be broadcast live. You can join the service live on Zoom; on our YouTube channel; or listen via any telephone. Download joining details Download order of service The readings for the 17th Sunday after Trinity are:...

Morning Prayer Wednesday 30th October 2020

Morning Prayer Wednesday 30th October 2020

Peter greets us with our Morning Prayer and asks that we pray for our families and for those we do not know – especially people who are homeless and in need of compassion and love – to hold all in our prayers today – in Jesus Christ’s name.  

30th September 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Tuesday September 29th 2020

Evening Prayer Tuesday September 29th 2020

Evening Prayer – Nicholas and Joseph pray together for us, so that we may be open to our Lord’s wonders, serve all with reverence, and know our Lord’s peace at the time of our end.

29th September 20204th February 2021by