Newsletter 24 March

Newsletter 24 March

This week’s newsletter has information about our activities, events and prayers. It includes prayers for those whose lives have been devastated by Cyclone Idai, and for our own nation as Brexit negotiations continue. Download newsletter

Newsletter 17 March

Newsletter 17 March

Our weekly newsletter has information of activities, events and prayers from our churches This week there are prayers for our sisters and brothers in New Zealand as well as prayers for our own country Download newsletter

Greenwich Winter Night Shelter

Greenwich Winter Night Shelter

The Greenwich Winter Night Shelter has been taking place in churches and community centres across our Borough from November until March. During the coldest nights of the year it has provided a warm place to sleep, a hot evening meal and breakfast to 15 people who would otherwise be sleeping outside. St Thomas’ Church has...

Newsletter 10 March

Newsletter 10 March

Our weekly newsletter can be downloaded. You’ll find news, and details of events and our weekly prayers   Download newsletter

Ash Wednesday – 6 March

Ash Wednesday – 6 March

Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent – a period of 6 weeks before we celebrate Easter. It is a time when we follow Christ’s example, we may fast or give something up in order to help us focus on the things that help us live well. It is a time when Christians might give...

Newsletter 3 March

Newsletter 3 March

The Newsletter for this week can be downloaded, with information about events and services in our churches, and details of this week’s prayers   Download newsletter

Newsletter 17 February

Newsletter 17 February

Download our weekly newsletter for the latest information, events and prayers from our churches   Download newsletter