Morning Prayer Monday November 1st 2021

Morning Prayer Monday November 1st 2021

Joelle leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Joelle considers a passage from Luke chapter 9, verses 18 to 27. This scripture describes Jesus talking with his followers about what it takes to be a disciple; “‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross...

1st November 20212nd November 2021by
Evening Prayer Saturday October 30th 2021

Evening Prayer Saturday October 30th 2021

Our prayers examine scripture and support our response in a prayerful and reflective way. Rick – one of St Luke’s Church Wardens, leads Evening and Morning Prayer this week. Evening Prayer – Rick encourages us to still ourselves and turn our thoughts to the day that’s drawing to an end as we pray.

30th October 202127th October 2021by
Morning Prayer Saturday October 30th 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday October 30th 2021

Rick leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Rick considers a passage from John chapter 18, verse 28 to the end. This scripture describes Pilate’s questioning of Jesus. “‘I find no case against him. But you have a custom that I release someone for you at the Passover. Do you want me to...

30th October 202127th October 2021by
Evening Prayer Friday October 29th 2021

Evening Prayer Friday October 29th 2021

Our prayers examine scripture and support our response in a prayerful and reflective way. Rick – one of St Luke’s Church Wardens, leads Evening and Morning Prayer this week. Evening Prayer – Rick encourages us to still ourselves and turn our thoughts to the day that’s drawing to an end as we pray.

29th October 202127th October 2021by
Morning Prayer Friday October 29th 2021

Morning Prayer Friday October 29th 2021

Rick leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Rick considers a passage from John chapter 18, verses 12 to 27. This scripture describes Jesus’ imprisonment and Simon Peter’s denial of his discipleship and close friendship with Jesus; “Now Simon Peter was standing and warming himself. They asked him, ‘You are not also...

29th October 202127th October 2021by
Evening Prayer Thursday October 28th 2021

Evening Prayer Thursday October 28th 2021

Our prayers examine scripture and support our response in a prayerful and reflective way. Rick – one of St Luke’s Church Wardens, leads Evening and Morning Prayer this week. Evening Prayer – Rick encourages us to turn our thoughts to the future, and asks us what we can do for tomorrow?

28th October 202126th October 2021by
Morning Prayer Thursday October 28th 2021

Morning Prayer Thursday October 28th 2021

Rick leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Rick considers a passage from Luke, chapter 6, verse 12 to 16. This scripture describes Jesus choosing his apostles; “Now during those days he went out to the mountain to pray; and he spent the night in prayer to God. And when day came, he...

28th October 202126th October 2021by
Join us for Worship this Sunday at 10am

Join us for Worship this Sunday at 10am

This Sunday we will be worshipping at 10.00am in St Luke’s, St Thomas’ and online. Our Eucharist will mark Climate Sunday, and everyone is invited. The service from St Thomas’ will also be streamed live for people at home. Please join on Zoom, via our YouTube channel, or you can listen via any telephone. Download order...