Morning Prayer Thursday August 19th 2021

Morning Prayer Thursday August 19th 2021

Liz B leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Liz considers a passage from Mark’s gospel, chapter 6, verses 1 – 13. This passage describes Jesus and his disciples’ return home – where Jesus preached in his local synagogue – causing incredulity and envy amongst his detractors; “They said, ‘Where...

Evening Prayer Wednesday August 18th 2021

Evening Prayer Wednesday August 18th 2021

Our prayers examine scripture and support our response in a prayerful and reflective way. Liz B leads Evening and Morning Prayer this week. Evening Prayer – Liz B asks us where did we encounter Jesus today? Out in nature, in other people, r simply at home?


Morning Prayer Wednesday August 18th 2021

Liz B leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Liz considers a passage from Mark’s gospel, chapter 5, verses 35 to the end. This passage describes Jesus’ response to grieving parents; “‘Do not fear, only believe.’ He allowed no one to follow him except Peter, James, and John, the brother of...

Evening Prayer Tuesday August 17th 2021

Evening Prayer Tuesday August 17th 2021

Our prayers examine scripture and support our response in a prayerful and reflective way. Liz B leads Evening and Morning Prayer this week. Evening Prayer – Liz B encourages us to pray for God to enlighten us, showing where God has been at work and present through events, people and places.

Morning Prayer Tuesday August 17th 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday August 17th 2021

Liz B leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Liz considers a passage from Mark’s gospel, chapter 5, verses 21- 34. This passage describes Jesus’ reaction to being touched by an ill woman, who believed she would be healed if only she could touch Jesus’ coat; “He said to her,...

Evening Prayer Monday August 16th 2021

Evening Prayer Monday August 16th 2021

Our prayers examine scripture and support our response in a prayerful and reflective way. Liz B leads Evening and Morning Prayer this week. Evening Prayer – Liz B encourages us to pray for God to enlighten us, showing where God has been at work and present through events, people and places.

Morning Prayer Monday August 16th 2021

Morning Prayer Monday August 16th 2021

Liz B leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Liz considers a passage from Luke’s gospel, chapter 11, verses 27 & 28. This passage describes a woman’s response to being in Jesus’ presence – she blesses Mary his mother for giving birth to Jesus and for nurturing him – Jesus...

Evening Prayer on Saturday 14 August 2021

Evening Prayer on Saturday 14 August 2021

Evening Prayer today has been recorded by Michael. Please join us in prayer tonight and every evening. The hymn in tonight’s prayers is The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended. It is written by John Ellerton (1826-1893) and recorded by the Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields.

Morning Prayer on Saturday 14 August 2021

Morning Prayer on Saturday 14 August 2021

We start the weekend with Morning Prayer. This short recording is led by Peter and we invite you to join us. Music: Ethereal by Punch Deck / Music promoted by / Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License