Morning Prayer Thursday April 29th 2021

Morning Prayer Thursday April 29th 2021

Sonia leads our Morning Prayer and reads Psalm 118; “This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it.” She prays for all who are ill in mind, body and spirit, or who who have reached the end of their earthly lives – believing in Christ’s resurrection...

Worship with us on Sunday 2 May

Worship with us on Sunday 2 May

We will be worshipping in our church buildings and online this Sunday and we hope you can join us. At 10.00am we will be live in St Luke’s and St Thomas’ churches, and our service from St Thomas’ will also be livestreamed on Zoom, on our YouTube channel, or you can listen via any telephone. There’s no...

Evening Prayer Wednesday April 28th 2021

Evening Prayer Wednesday April 28th 2021

The Lord is our strength and our song and has become our salvation – Jim prays for us and gives thanks to God this Evening Prayer. He reminds us that when we walk in darkness, or feel worthless, when we need forgiveness, or search for God’s grace – our Lord is always there with us....

Morning Prayer Wednesday April 28th 2021

Morning Prayer Wednesday April 28th 2021

Our Morning Prayer and Sonia considers Psalm 135, the Lord will vindicate us and have compassion upon us. Sonia recalls Easter tide and prays with certainty that death is swallowed up in victory – we shall not all sleep – but we shall be changed.

Evening Prayer Tuesday April 27th 2021

Evening Prayer Tuesday April 27th 2021

Jim considers the Lord who is mindful to us and blesses us, who is our strength and our song, and has become our salvation. Jim prays that our Lord will remove any empty and vain wishes we may have, and in doing this make our hearts so right, that we may do good for others...

Morning Prayer Tuesday April 27th 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday April 27th 2021

Our Morning Prayer is bathed in sunshine – as Sonia leads us in prayer. She reads Psalm 139; “If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea. Even there your hand shall lead me, your right hand hold me fast.” Sonia considers our Creator God in our prayers,...

Evening Prayer Monday April 26th 2021

Evening Prayer Monday April 26th 2021

Jim asks God for a proper understanding of the beauty of Spring. So that the dawn chorus reminds those who are harried, despairing and care-worn that we are cared for by God just as the smallest birds are. The world below may feel desolate but Christ’s resurrection gives us hope.

Morning Prayer Monday April 26th 2021

Morning Prayer Monday April 26th 2021

Sonia leads Morning Prayer for the first time this week and recites part of Psalm 37;”When your steps are guided by the Lord and you delight in his way, Though you stumble, you shall not fall headlong, for the Lord holds you fast by the hand.” Sonia prays for us all that today God will hold...

Evening Prayer Saturday April 24th 2021

Evening Prayer Saturday April 24th 2021

Our last hope-filled Evening Prayer with Ally W this month. She considers the love of God poured out, infusing this world with rivers of grace and the hope of rebirth. Love poured out into our hearts, that drink from a stream that never runs dry… she prays to our Father of promise and power, who...