Evening Prayer Monday April 5th 2021

Evening Prayer Monday April 5th 2021

Miriam leads Easter Evening Prayer this week. Miriam prays for a desire for change to well up within us and asks that our hearts overflow with compassion and love. As a stream wears away stone, she asks that we reshape our world together to reflect God’s kingdom.

Morning Prayer Monday April 5th 2021

Morning Prayer Monday April 5th 2021

Happy Easter! Morning Prayer considers God’s compassion through Psalm 111. God promised all disciples would be baptised with the Holy Spirit, Holy Week and Easter mark the fulfilment of this promise. We pray that today we are filled afresh with the Holy Spirit, and that nourished with such spiritual blessings, we may set our hearts...

Easter Sunday Eucharist, 4 April, 10.00am at St Thomas’

Easter Sunday Eucharist, 4 April, 10.00am at St Thomas’

A celebration Eucharist will take place at St Thomas’ Church, Woodland Terrace, SE7 8EW and St Luke’s Church, The Village, SE7 8UG – both services start at 10.00am. St Thomas’ Church still has places available should you wish to attend, whereas St Luke’s Church has no more places available.  ‘I am the resurrection and the...

Easter Sunday Eucharist, 4 April, 10.00am at St Luke’s

Easter Sunday Eucharist, 4 April, 10.00am at St Luke’s

This celebration Eucharist will take place at St Luke’s Church, The Village, SE7 8UG at 10.00am. Unfortunately all ticketed seats are booked. If you would like to attend Easter Sunday Eucharist you can still book a ticketed place at St Thomas’ Church (see adjacent post on this page), where a similar service will start at...

Evening Prayer Saturday March 27th 2021

Evening Prayer Saturday March 27th 2021

Arek reads Psalm 128 and considers how abundant God’s goodness is, he considers prosperity, peace and God’s blessings and compassion. Arek asks God to breathe on us afresh this night and grant us rest – our final Evening Prayer this week with Arek.

Palm Sunday, 28 March, 10.00am – online

Palm Sunday, 28 March, 10.00am – online

The start of Holy Week. The crowds welcome Christ as a king. How quickly things would change. Whoever and wherever you are, you are very welcome at our benefice eucharist The service which will be broadcast live on Zoom, on our YouTube channel, or listen via any telephone. Download details how to join the service Download Order...

Morning Prayer Saturday March 27th 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday March 27th 2021

Ally W’s last joyous Morning Prayer this week. She considers Christ: ‘A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief’ and prays that we may be ready to walk the way of the cross, and always be ready to share its weight. Sin and pride holds us tight within its grasp, but cannot resist God’s Word,...

Evening Prayer Friday March 26th 2021

Evening Prayer Friday March 26th 2021

Arek reads Psalm 31 for tonight’s Evening Prayer – into our Lord’s hands he commends us. Arek considers trust, trying not to react too emotionally, and asks God to help us manage our responses. Focussing on the moment and God’s faithfulness in our lives is key, Arek seeks God’s guidance, so that we might walk...

What We’ve Lost In The Last Year

What We’ve Lost In The Last Year

In both St Luke’s and St Thomas’ churchyards, huge rough wooden crosses have appeared. During this season of Lent, we invite members of the community to share with us a loss you’ve suffered over the last year. It could be the name of a person who has died or something else you’ve been mourning. We’ll...