Evening Prayer Monday May 3rd 2021

Evening Prayer Monday May 3rd 2021

Ansai’s first Evening Prayer this week and she considers the message of Easter – from the gloom of the grave to the triumph of Christ’s resurrection. Ansai prays for all who bring God’s message of life as a light to those in darkness. She prays for those who bring our Lord’s word of peace to...

Evening Prayer Saturday May 1st 2021

Evening Prayer Saturday May 1st 2021

Evening Prayer for the last time this week with Jim – as he gently considers the lives of some of Christ’s apostles. Today is the saint’s day for Jim’s namesake, James, and also for Philip. Jim prays that we follow the paths taken by Philip and James and that we walk steadfastly in the way...

Evening Prayer Friday April 30th 2021

Evening Prayer Friday April 30th 2021

Jim celebrates the life of Pandita Ramabai who’s memory is celebrated today. Jim asks that we follow her example by supporting social reform and women’s rights. Jim prays that like her, we embrace God’s gifts and make the most of our new life each day; that we should care for the poor, uphold the dignity...

Evening Prayer Thursday April 29th 2021

Evening Prayer Thursday April 29th 2021

Jim asks God to give us eyes to see the beauty of the Spring and to behold our Lord’s majesty in every living thing. He places our souls and bodies in God’s safe refuge this night – to God our kind and just Father, God the Son who overcame death, and God the Holy Spirit...

Evening Prayer Wednesday April 28th 2021

Evening Prayer Wednesday April 28th 2021

The Lord is our strength and our song and has become our salvation – Jim prays for us and gives thanks to God this Evening Prayer. He reminds us that when we walk in darkness, or feel worthless, when we need forgiveness, or search for God’s grace – our Lord is always there with us....

Evening Prayer Tuesday April 27th 2021

Evening Prayer Tuesday April 27th 2021

Jim considers the Lord who is mindful to us and blesses us, who is our strength and our song, and has become our salvation. Jim prays that our Lord will remove any empty and vain wishes we may have, and in doing this make our hearts so right, that we may do good for others...

Evening Prayer Monday April 26th 2021

Evening Prayer Monday April 26th 2021

Jim asks God for a proper understanding of the beauty of Spring. So that the dawn chorus reminds those who are harried, despairing and care-worn that we are cared for by God just as the smallest birds are. The world below may feel desolate but Christ’s resurrection gives us hope.

Evening Prayer Saturday April 24th 2021

Evening Prayer Saturday April 24th 2021

Our last hope-filled Evening Prayer with Ally W this month. She considers the love of God poured out, infusing this world with rivers of grace and the hope of rebirth. Love poured out into our hearts, that drink from a stream that never runs dry… she prays to our Father of promise and power, who...

Evening Prayer Friday April 23rd 2021

Evening Prayer Friday April 23rd 2021

St George’s Day – the patron saint of England. Ally recites Psalm 3 this Evening Prayer and prays to our heavenly Father to give us the courage to be like St George, to stand up for the truth and the glory of God, that we see in the face of Jesus Christ. She asks our...

Evening Prayer Thursday April 22nd 2021

Evening Prayer Thursday April 22nd 2021

Ally W reminds us that in the Lord God we make our refuge, she prays that we may find wisdom in God’s presence, and set our hope not on uncertain riches, but on the love that holds us to the end. It is Easter time and Ally considers death and how we enter God’s house...