Evening Prayer Wednesday April 21st 2021

Evening Prayer Wednesday April 21st 2021

It’s already time for Evening Prayer and Ally W welcomes us all as we pray with her this Evening Prayer. Those that follow God will see the face of God. Christ yesterday and today our Alpha and Omega. All time belongs to God and all ages – to God be glory and power through every...

Evening Prayer Tuesday April 20th 2021

Evening Prayer Tuesday April 20th 2021

Evening Prayer – Ally W reads Psalm 71 which considers a life lived with God as our refuge and stronghold – from youth to old age. Ally asks for wholeness and peace for all who suffer, in mind body and sprit. She prays that we be filled with our Lord’s compassion and remember for good...

Evening Prayer Monday April 19th 2021

Evening Prayer Monday April 19th 2021

Ally W commends us to the mercy and protection of our Lord – her first Evening Prayer this week with us and Ally prays for all those who suffer pain and are distressed; may they find peace in the wounds of Christ, so that the undying love of Christ reunites all who have died in...

Evening Prayer Saturday April 17th 2021

Evening Prayer Saturday April 17th 2021

Today marks the funeral of HRH Prince Philip and we extend our deepest condolences to the Queen and the Royal Family. Laura and Amelia recite Psalm 66 and ask that our Lord hear our prayers. They consider our responsibility to care for the world we live in, because sadly through our greed we have established...

Evening Prayer Friday April 16th 2021

Evening Prayer Friday April 16th 2021

Amelia’s Evening Prayer reflects upon today and prays to our Lord of the battle – that when we stand amongst many who face injustice and yet feel alone in resistance, when we raise our voices in protest yet our voices feel overwhelmed by so much suffering – that we find and follow the path that...

Evening Prayer Thursday April 15th 2021

Evening Prayer Thursday April 15th 2021

Laura prays to Christ our Alpha and our Omega – the one who is, and was, and who is to come. She asks for clarity of vision and understanding, and God’s strength to disperse the fog of worldly confusion and distraction, so that nothing may ever come between us and God – tonight’s Evening Prayer.

Evening Prayer Wednesday April 14th 2021

Evening Prayer Wednesday April 14th 2021

Our Evening Prayer with Laura and Amelia contemplates prayers for the people Christ has redeemed. They pray for all who have been baptised that they might know the power of Christ’s resurrection, and that those suffering pain or anguish may find peace in the sacrifice made by Christ. Laura and Amelia ask that we share...

Evening Prayer Tuesday April 13th 2021

Evening Prayer Tuesday April 13th 2021

Laura and Amelia’s Evening Prayer tonight recalls John’s description of Jesus’ body being placed in the tomb; “They took the body of Jesus and bound it in linen cloths with the spices.” They pray for us to have more insight and greater courage to take the first vital steps, to making better choices about the...

Morning Prayer Tuesday April 13th 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday April 13th 2021

Revd. Liz considers the plight of the poor and destitute – how is it that scripture says that we are worth more to our Father than a sparrow, yet the poor are as thin as birds, dressed not like the lilies of the field but in ragged clothing? How can we square children starving in...

Evening Prayer Monday April 12th 2021

Evening Prayer Monday April 12th 2021

Laura and Amelia lead our prayers each evening this week – and recite Psalm 139 together tonight – asking God to search us out and to know what is in our hearts. They pray that our Lord fill us with empathy and roll away our apathy, so that we may offer life in place of...