Evening Prayer Thursday January 14th 2021

Evening Prayer Thursday January 14th 2021

Ali E’s turn to read Evening Prayer as she considers times when it is right to be angry, in order to change the world for the better – particularly in the light of recent child abuse cases. Ali contemplates salvation and how Christ frees and redeems us.

14th January 20214th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Wednesday January 13th 2021

Evening Prayer Wednesday January 13th 2021

Evening Prayer and Matilda contemplates the delicious joy of each new day. She prays that we will make the most of tomorrow, that we will share our new songs of God’s love and hope throughout this world, and that we will endure days of sorrow with God’s love.

13th January 20214th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Tuesday January 12th 2021

Evening Prayer Tuesday January 12th 2021

We consider the Word of God – from the beginning, revealed by prophets or shown through the humblest service to others, or revealed through a tiny child – alive from the beginning of beginnings to eternity. A mother and daughter team take it in turns to read our Evening Prayer this week.

12th January 20214th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Monday January 11th 2021

Evening Prayer Monday January 11th 2021

Matilda thanks God for nature in our Evening Prayer – for healing rain, for beams of sunlight that fall softly on a child’s face, for butterflies and flowers, birds and fish, stars and trees, and for all beautiful things created by our Lord. Matilda prays that God’s children see and wonder at these, and that...

11th January 20214th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Saturday January 9th 2021

Evening Prayer Saturday January 9th 2021

Evening Prayer and Liz’s last compassionate prayers for this week – she offers thanks that we have seen this week through and asks God to bless our Sunday worship. Liz gives thanks for lighter evenings, hints of spring, and marks the passing of time. With God nothing stands still, time moves forward and nothing defeats...

9th January 20214th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Friday January 8th 2021

Evening Prayer Friday January 8th 2021

The Glory of the Lord rises upon us – Liz gives thanks to our Lord for all who lighten our darkness and make us laugh. We thank teachers, parents and neighbours who take time to find out how we are and patiently listen to us. Liz prays for our communal worship, that we remain together...

8th January 20214th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Thursday January 7th 2021

Evening Prayer Thursday January 7th 2021

Arise, shine for your light has come – the glory of the Lord is rising upon you this Evening Prayer. Liz asks for God to protect our workforces – delivery drivers, refuse collectors, street cleaners, postal workers and community police. We also pray for all who are ill or so worried by this pandemic that...

7th January 20214th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Wednesday January 6th 2021

Evening Prayer Wednesday January 6th 2021

Liz leads Evening Prayer, from the rising of the sun to its setting, we proclaim Christ’s glory throughout the world. Liz B considers moments of joy as a blessing, for musicians, singers and for all who sing in praise of God – we consider the Magi journeying in the dark, following hope in the form...

6th January 20214th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Tuesday January 5th 2021

Evening Prayer Tuesday January 5th 2021

Welcome to Evening Prayer as Liz proclaims God’s glory across the world. Christ was given as a light to the nations – may our lives witness this truth. Liz prays for those who comfort and nurse the dying and for people unable to be with those they love at their death, we entrust them into...

5th January 20214th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Monday January 4th 2021

Evening Prayer Monday January 4th 2021

Our Evening Prayer is led by Liz B who thanks all those who helped us to celebrate and proclaim the message of Christ’s birth this Christmas. Liz prays for our church mission, that we continue to reach and support those who are outside our congregation, and for all church communities. We remember most especially all...

4th January 20214th February 2021by