Evening Prayer Tuesday December 22nd 2020

Evening Prayer Tuesday December 22nd 2020

Rosie leads our Evening Prayer this week, she prays for those facing mental heath challenges in the face of such changeable circumstances – when it is a struggle to remain calm and reassured. Rosie asks Christ to help us all to be kind to one another this Christmas and thanks our Lord for the simple...

22nd December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Monday December 21st 2020

Evening Prayer Monday December 21st 2020

As evening falls we pray that we may behold Christ’s coming among us – our Evening Prayer considers the birth of Christ – a child and yet a king – born to reign in us forever.  

21st December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Saturday December 19th 2020

Evening Prayer Saturday December 19th 2020

Amelia and Laura lead Evening Prayer one last time this week, as they ask that this evening be holy, good and peaceful as we pray together. May God’s unending love be our comfort, strength and guide; Laura and Amelia look beyond silence, holding onto hope and trusting in faith, that God remains with us always...

19th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Friday December 18th 2020

Evening Prayer Friday December 18th 2020

Our Evening Prayer and Laura offers thanks to God for our family, friends and neighbours, even if we cannot see them we know they are with us. Laura reminds us of the kindness of strangers – and that nothing will separate us from the love of God.

18th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Thursday December 17th 2020

Evening Prayer Thursday December 17th 2020

Watch oh Lord and give your angels charge over those who sleep – God is with us as we lie down and rise up, Christ is with us as we sleep and wake, and as we watch for Christ every day and night. Our Evening Prayer with Amelia and Laura reminds us of God’s eternal...

17th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Wednesday December 16th 2020

Evening Prayer Wednesday December 16th 2020

Evening Prayer – Amelia and Laura pray for God to keep us from giving-up too easily, as we fight for a more just world. Laura and Amelia pray for social justice in our own community and communities world-wide and they ask God to renew our sense of discernment, trust and good purpose.

16th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Tuesday December 15th 2020

Evening Prayer Tuesday December 15th 2020

God gathers to him his faithful – our Evening Prayer is led by Laura and Amelia tonight. All is our Lord’s creation, everything and all of us are drawn back to Christ’s loving heart, Laura prays for us to be people of Peace and that we embody this in our community. Amelia asks that enlightened...

15th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Monday December 14th 2020

Evening Prayer Monday December 14th 2020

Amelia and Laura’s first Evening Prayer for us this week – our souls are waiting for you oh Lord, in your word is our hope… Laura and Amelia ask for the grace to know and to perceive God and offer thanks for our homes and beautiful families, for all the things we have, and for...

14th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Saturday December 12th 2020

Evening Prayer Saturday December 12th 2020

Our final Evening Prayer from Hugh and Adelaide this week. Hugh considers the apostles and ordained ministers of the church and prays that they may be upheld in their work and sustained by the Holy Spirit.

12th December 20204th February 2021by