Morning Prayer Friday November 12th 2021

Morning Prayer Friday November 12th 2021

Revd. Liz Newman leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Liz considers a passage from Matthew’s Gospel chapter 6, verses 1 – 18. This scripture continues to detail Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, where he warns against fake displays of piety and reminds us that self-aggrandising displays are not the point –...

12th November 202112th November 2021by
Morning Prayer Thursday November 11th 2021

Morning Prayer Thursday November 11th 2021

Revd Liz Newman leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer on Remembrance Day – Liz reads a passage from Matthew’s Gospel chapter 5, verse 38 to the end. In this scripture Jesus reminds us of forgiveness and generosity of spirit – as God forgives us for the things we have done wrong –...

11th November 202111th November 2021by
Morning Prayer Wednesday November 10th 2021

Morning Prayer Wednesday November 10th 2021

Revd Liz Newman leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Liz our Rector considers a passage from Matthew’s Gospel chapter 5, verses 21 – 37. This scripture continues to detail Jesus’ teaching about God’s law; “‘if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar...

10th November 202110th November 2021by
Morning Prayer Tuesday November 9th 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday November 9th 2021

Revd Liz Newman leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Liz our Rector considers a passage from Matthew’s Gospel chapter 5, verses 13 – 20. This scripture describes Jesus’ teaching about salt and light – the value of following God’s law; “‘You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has...

9th November 20219th November 2021by
Morning Prayer Monday November 8th 2021

Morning Prayer Monday November 8th 2021

Revd Liz Newman leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Liz our Rector considers a passage from Matthew’s Gospel chapter 4, verse 23 – to chapter 5, verse 12. This scripture describes Jesus teaching his disciples about his response to encountering and healing so many followers; “‘Blessed are you when people revile...

7th November 20218th November 2021by
Morning Prayer Saturday November 6th 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday November 6th 2021

Joelle leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Joelle considers a passage from Matthew’s Gospel chapter 4, verses 12 to 22. This scripture describes John the Baptist’s arrest and Jesus’ departure from Nazareth and how he met four of his disciples, the brothers Simon Peter and Andrew, James and John; “And he...

6th November 20216th November 2021by
Morning Prayer Friday November 5th 2021

Morning Prayer Friday November 5th 2021

Joelle leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Joelle considers a passage from Matthew’s Gospel chapter 4, verses 1 to 11. This scripture describes the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights; “Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the...

5th November 20215th November 2021by
Morning Prayer Thursday November 4th 2021

Morning Prayer Thursday November 4th 2021

Joelle leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Joelle considers a passage from Matthew’s Gospel chapter 3, verses 1 to 12. This scripture describes John the Baptist, foretelling Jesus’ coming to the many who came for baptism – most especially the Pharisees and Sadducees; “‘I baptize you with water for repentance, but...

4th November 20214th November 2021by
Morning Prayer Wednesday November 3rd 2021

Morning Prayer Wednesday November 3rd 2021

Joelle leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Joelle considers a passage from Matthew’s Gospel chapter 2, verse 16 to the end. This scripture follows Herod’s failed attempt to find baby Jesus, the holy family’s subsequent flight into Egypt, and their eventual return to Nazareth; “When Herod died, an angel of the...

3rd November 20213rd November 2021by
Morning Prayer Monday November 1st 2021

Morning Prayer Monday November 1st 2021

Joelle leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Joelle considers a passage from Luke chapter 9, verses 18 to 27. This scripture describes Jesus talking with his followers about what it takes to be a disciple; “‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross...

1st November 20212nd November 2021by