Morning Prayer Saturday October 30th 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday October 30th 2021

Rick leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Rick considers a passage from John chapter 18, verse 28 to the end. This scripture describes Pilate’s questioning of Jesus. “‘I find no case against him. But you have a custom that I release someone for you at the Passover. Do you want me to...

30th October 202127th October 2021by
Morning Prayer Friday October 29th 2021

Morning Prayer Friday October 29th 2021

Rick leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Rick considers a passage from John chapter 18, verses 12 to 27. This scripture describes Jesus’ imprisonment and Simon Peter’s denial of his discipleship and close friendship with Jesus; “Now Simon Peter was standing and warming himself. They asked him, ‘You are not also...

29th October 202127th October 2021by
Morning Prayer Thursday October 28th 2021

Morning Prayer Thursday October 28th 2021

Rick leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Rick considers a passage from Luke, chapter 6, verse 12 to 16. This scripture describes Jesus choosing his apostles; “Now during those days he went out to the mountain to pray; and he spent the night in prayer to God. And when day came, he...

28th October 202126th October 2021by
Morning Prayer Wednesday October 27th 2021

Morning Prayer Wednesday October 27th 2021

Rick leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Rick considers a passage from John chapter 17, verse 20 to the end. In this scripture Jesus prays not just for believers but for the world also; “’Righteous Father, the world does not know you, but I know you; and these know that you...

27th October 202126th October 2021by
Morning Prayer Tuesday October 26th 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday October 26th 2021

Rick leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Rick considers a passage from John chapter 17, verses 6 to 19. In this scripture we listen-in to Jesus’ prayer, asking God to protect his disciples and all who follow him; “‘I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world,...

26th October 202126th October 2021by
Morning Prayer Monday October 25th 2021

Morning Prayer Monday October 25th 2021

Rick leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Rick considers a passage from John chapter 17, verses 1 to 5. This scripture describes Jesus’ prayer asking to be glorified; “‘I glorified you on earth by finishing the work that you gave me to do. So now, Father, glorify me in your own presence...

25th October 202125th October 2021by
Morning Prayer Saturday October 23rd 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday October 23rd 2021

Ally W leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Ally W considers a passage from Mark chapter 13, verse 32 to the end (apologies this is not John 16:23 – to the end). This scripture reminds us to be ever-watchful; “Therefore, keep awake—for you do not know when the master of the...

23rd October 202123rd October 2021by
Morning Prayer Friday October 22nd 2021

Morning Prayer Friday October 22nd 2021

Ally W leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Ally W considers a passage from John chapter 16, verses 16 to 22. This scripture describes Jesus’ conversation with his disciples about his departure and how it will make them feel – that their sorrow will turn into joy; “A little while, and...

22nd October 202122nd October 2021by
Morning Prayer Thursday October 21st 2021

Morning Prayer Thursday October 21st 2021

Ally W leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Ally W considers a passage from John chapter 16, verses 1 to 15. This scripture describes Jesus’ final messages to his disciples and followers – where he warns the disciples about their certain persecution and prepares them for his departure; “‘When the Spirit...

21st October 202121st October 2021by
Morning Prayer Wednesday October 20th 2021

Morning Prayer Wednesday October 20th 2021

Ally W leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Ally W considers a passage from John chapter 15, verses 18 to the end. This scripture describes Jesus’ explanation to his disciples – that following his teaching sets them apart from those they live amongst and that they risk being hated and ostracised...

20th October 202120th October 2021by