Morning Prayer Wednesday October 6th 2021

Morning Prayer Wednesday October 6th 2021

Naomi leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Naomi considers a passage from Mark chapter 15 verses 33 to 41. This scripture recounts Jesus’ death on the cross; “When it was noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. At three o’clock Jesus cried out with a loud voice, ‘Eloi,...

Morning Prayer Tuesday October 5th 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday October 5th 2021

Naomi leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Naomi considers a passage from Mark chapter 15 verses 16 to 32. This scripture recounts Jesus’ crucifixion; “In the same way the chief priests, along with the scribes, were also mocking him among themselves and saying, ‘He saved others; he cannot save himself. Let the...

Morning Prayer Monday October 4th 2021

Morning Prayer Monday October 4th 2021

Naomi leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Naomi considers a passage from Mark chapter 11 verses 1 to 15. This scripture recounts Pilate’s interrogation of Jesus and his reluctance to punish Jesus; “‘Then what do you wish me to do with the man you call the King of the Jews?’ They shouted back, ‘Crucify...

Morning Prayer Saturday October 2nd 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday October 2nd 2021

Peter O leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Peter O considers a passage from Mark chapter 14 verse 66 to the end. This scripture recounts Peter’s’ denial of his discipleship and friendship with Jesus; “While Peter was below in the courtyard, one of the servant-girls of the high priest came by. When...

Morning Prayer Friday October 1st 2021

Morning Prayer Friday October 1st 2021

Peter O leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Peter considers a passage from Mark’s gospel chapter 14 verses 53 to 65. This scripture recounts Jesus’ interrogation by the chief priests, the elders, scribes and the high priest; “But he was silent and did not answer. Again the high priest asked him,...

Morning Prayer Saturday September 25th 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday September 25th 2021

Deborah leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Deborah considers a passage from Mark’s gospel, chapter 13, verse 32 to the end. This scripture examines Jesus’ description to his disciples Peter, James, John and Andrew of the day of his coming – reminding us all to be watchful and to wait for...

25th September 202125th September 2021by
Morning Prayer Friday September 24th 2021

Morning Prayer Friday September 24th 2021

Deborah leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Deborah considers a passage from Mark’s gospel, chapter 13, verses 24 – 31. This scripture examines Jesus’ description to his disciples Peter, James, John and Andrew of the day of his coming – reminding us all to be watchful and to wait for him;...

24th September 202124th September 2021by
Morning Prayer Tuesday September 21st 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday September 21st 2021

Deborah leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Deborah considers a passage from Matthew’s gospel, chapter 19, verses 16 – 30. This scripture examines Jesus’ response to a follower, who asked him about the best way to gain eternal life: “Jesus said to him, ‘If you wish to be perfect, go, sell...

21st September 202121st September 2021by
Morning Prayer Monday September 20th 2021

Morning Prayer Monday September 20th 2021

Deborah leads Morning and Evening prayer this week. Morning Prayer – Deborah considers a passage from Mark’s gospel, chapter 12, verses 28 – 34. This scripture describes Jesus’ answer to a scribe’s question: “‘Which commandment is the first of all?”

20th September 202121st September 2021by
Morning Prayer Saturday September 18th 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday September 18th 2021

Matilda leads Morning and Evening prayer today. Morning Prayer – Matilda considers a passage from Mark’s gospel, chapter 12, verses 18 – 27. This scripture describes how Jesus responds to a question raised by Sadducees who did not believe in the resurrection and who asked about the status of a wife passed from one brother...

18th September 202118th September 2021by