Morning Prayer Tuesday August 24th 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday August 24th 2021

Roberta leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Roberta considers a passage from John’s gospel, chapter 1, verse 43 to 51. This passage describes Jesus meeting Nathaniel; “Nathanael asked him, ‘Where did you come to know me?’ Jesus answered, ‘I saw you under the fig tree before Philip called you.’ Nathanael...

Morning Prayer Monday August 23rd 2021

Morning Prayer Monday August 23rd 2021

Roberta leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Roberta considers a passage from Mark’s gospel, chapter 6, verse 45 to the end. This passage describes Jesus walking towards his disciples across the Sea of Galilee; “When he saw that they were straining at the oars against an adverse wind, he...

Morning Prayer Saturday August 21st 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday August 21st 2021

Liz B leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Liz considers a passage from Mark’s gospel, chapter 6, verses 30 – 44. This passage describes Jesus and his disciples feeding 5,000 followers who came to listen to Jesus preach; “Now many saw them going and recognized them, and they hurried...

Morning Prayer Friday August 20th 2021

Morning Prayer Friday August 20th 2021

Liz B leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Liz considers a passage from Mark’s gospel, chapter 6, verses 14 – 29. This passage describes John the Baptist’s murder; “Immediately the king sent a soldier of the guard with orders to bring John’s head. He went and beheaded him in the...

Morning Prayer Thursday August 19th 2021

Morning Prayer Thursday August 19th 2021

Liz B leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Liz considers a passage from Mark’s gospel, chapter 6, verses 1 – 13. This passage describes Jesus and his disciples’ return home – where Jesus preached in his local synagogue – causing incredulity and envy amongst his detractors; “They said, ‘Where...


Morning Prayer Wednesday August 18th 2021

Liz B leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Liz considers a passage from Mark’s gospel, chapter 5, verses 35 to the end. This passage describes Jesus’ response to grieving parents; “‘Do not fear, only believe.’ He allowed no one to follow him except Peter, James, and John, the brother of...

Morning Prayer Tuesday August 17th 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday August 17th 2021

Liz B leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Liz considers a passage from Mark’s gospel, chapter 5, verses 21- 34. This passage describes Jesus’ reaction to being touched by an ill woman, who believed she would be healed if only she could touch Jesus’ coat; “He said to her,...

Morning Prayer Monday August 16th 2021

Morning Prayer Monday August 16th 2021

Liz B leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Liz considers a passage from Luke’s gospel, chapter 11, verses 27 & 28. This passage describes a woman’s response to being in Jesus’ presence – she blesses Mary his mother for giving birth to Jesus and for nurturing him – Jesus...

Morning Prayer Friday August 6th 2021

Morning Prayer Friday August 6th 2021

Arek leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Arek considers a passage from the Book of Exodus chapter 34, verses 29 – 35. This passage describes Moses’ face after talking with God; “Moses came down from Mount Sinai. As he came down from the mountain with the two tablets of...

Morning Prayer Thursday August 5th 2021

Morning Prayer Thursday August 5th 2021

Arek leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Arek considers a passage from Acts of the Apostles, chapter 2, verses 22 – 36. This passage focusses on Peter’s description of Jesus’ death and resurrection as foretold in the Old Testament. Peter calls to us all to recognise Jesus as Lord...