Morning Prayer Wednesday July 7th 2021

Morning Prayer Wednesday July 7th 2021

Matilda and Sonia lead both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer is led by Sonia who considers a passage from Luke’s gospel, chapter 20, verses 1 to 8. This describes a group of chief priests, elders and scribes challenging Jesus’ right to teach the good news in the temple; “Tell us, by...

Morning Prayer Tuesday July 6th 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday July 6th 2021

Matilda and Sonia lead both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer is led by Matilda who considers a passage from Luke’s gospel, chapter 19, verse 41 to the end, that describes Jesus’ sorrow at the lack of peace for Jerusalem, foretelling the city’s difficult future, and perhaps the loss of peace for...

Morning Prayer Monday July 5th 2021

Morning Prayer Monday July 5th 2021

Matilda and Sonia lead both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer is led by Matilda who considers a passage from Luke’s gospel chapter 19, verses 28 to 40, which describes Jesus’ request to borrow a colt to ride on, and his disciples’ response to the joyful greeting from the crowd; ‘As he...

Morning Prayer Saturday July 3rd 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday July 3rd 2021

St Thomas’ Feast Day – we pray for our congregation at St Thomas’ Church, Old Charlton, most especially… Revd. Liz leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer considers a passage from John’s gospel chapter 20, verses 24 to 29, which describes Thomas’ doubt when hearing of Jesus’ resurrection and reappearance to...

Morning Prayer Friday July 2nd 2021

Morning Prayer Friday July 2nd 2021

Revd. Liz leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer considers a passage from Luke’s gospel chapter 19, verses 1 to 10. This describes Zacchaeus the tax collector who was so desperate to see Jesus, that he risked climbing into a sycamore tree to glimpse him – and Jesus’ ever-challenging response to...

Morning Prayer Thursday July 1st 2021

Morning Prayer Thursday July 1st 2021

Revd. Liz leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer considers a passage from Luke’s gospel chapter 18, verse 31 to the end, which parallels Jesus’ warning to the Disciples about his imminent betrayal and murder, which they could not understand – with the faith of a blind beggar, who trusted Jesus...

Morning Prayer Wednesday June 30th 2021

Morning Prayer Wednesday June 30th 2021

Revd. Liz leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer considers a passage from Luke’s gospel chapter 18, verses 15 to 30, which describe two critical messages from Jesus about humility and riches required to enter the kingdom of heaven; ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them;...

Morning Prayer Tuesday June 29th 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday June 29th 2021

Revd. Liz leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer considers a passage from John’s gospel chapter 21, verses 15 to 22, describing a conversation between Simon Peter and Jesus, about love, trust, faith and discipleship.

Morning Prayer Monday June 28th 2021

Morning Prayer Monday June 28th 2021

Revd. Liz leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer considers a passage from Luke’s gospel chapter 17, verse 20 to the end, which describes a conversation between some Pharisees, who asked Jesus when the kingdom of God was coming, and Jesus’ response to them and the message he gave to his...

Morning Prayer Saturday June 26th 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday June 26th 2021

Our new-look prayers support and encourage us to examine scripture with an enquiring mind, in a prayerful and reflective way. Rick leads both Morning and Evening Prayer this week. Today’s Morning Prayer – Rick reads a passage from Luke’s gospel which describes Jesus’ journey through Samaria and his response to the faith and honour shown...