Morning Prayer Monday May 3rd 2021

Morning Prayer Monday May 3rd 2021

Revd. Bennett Spong reads Psalm 145 where he asks God to; “raise the spirits of the downcast and restore those who have fallen away, that we may sing forever of God’s love.” Bennett asks the difficult questions today around Covid-19… how can God love us and stand idly by while so many people suffer? How...

Morning Prayer Saturday May 1st 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday May 1st 2021

This is Sonia’s final Morning Prayer this week as she recites, beautifully, Psalm 139; “O Lord, you have searched me out and known me; you know my sitting down and my rising up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You mark out my journeys and my resting place and are acquainted with all my ways.”...

Morning Prayer Friday April 30th 2021

Morning Prayer Friday April 30th 2021

Sonia’s Morning Prayer considers salvation and God’s mercy, as she recites Psalm 33. She prays that the earth is full of the loving-kindness of the Lord who feeds the people with the holy Word. At this time Sonia raises to God the suffering of people in India from a dramatic spread of Covid-19 cases, and...

Morning Prayer Thursday April 29th 2021

Morning Prayer Thursday April 29th 2021

Sonia leads our Morning Prayer and reads Psalm 118; “This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it.” She prays for all who are ill in mind, body and spirit, or who who have reached the end of their earthly lives – believing in Christ’s resurrection...

Morning Prayer Wednesday April 28th 2021

Morning Prayer Wednesday April 28th 2021

Our Morning Prayer and Sonia considers Psalm 135, the Lord will vindicate us and have compassion upon us. Sonia recalls Easter tide and prays with certainty that death is swallowed up in victory – we shall not all sleep – but we shall be changed.

Morning Prayer Tuesday April 27th 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday April 27th 2021

Our Morning Prayer is bathed in sunshine – as Sonia leads us in prayer. She reads Psalm 139; “If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea. Even there your hand shall lead me, your right hand hold me fast.” Sonia considers our Creator God in our prayers,...

Morning Prayer Monday April 26th 2021

Morning Prayer Monday April 26th 2021

Sonia leads Morning Prayer for the first time this week and recites part of Psalm 37;”When your steps are guided by the Lord and you delight in his way, Though you stumble, you shall not fall headlong, for the Lord holds you fast by the hand.” Sonia prays for us all that today God will hold...

Morning Prayer Saturday April 24th 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday April 24th 2021

Our last beautiful Morning Prayer with Naomi this week… She prays that we open our lives to you oh Lord, that we make space in this day for your coming, we move from busy-ness to your stillness, from sound to silence, insensitivity to awareness, from being landlocked to looking heavenwards; Naomi asks that we open...

Morning Prayer Friday April 23rd 2021

Morning Prayer Friday April 23rd 2021

Naomi’s uplifting Morning Prayer reminds us that it is St George’s Day, the patron Saint of England. She recites her uncle’s prayer to St George and prays we may continue to fight against dragons and rescue the helpless, that we may be delivered by the truth of the gospel, freed from sin, and be granted...

Morning Prayer Thursday April 22nd 2021

Morning Prayer Thursday April 22nd 2021

Naomi’s Morning Prayer contemplates the Easter season – in Christ’s resurrection let heaven and earth rejoice! Naomi reminds us that we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed. She prays for God to show us how to un-clutter our lives and seek simplicity, to listen to our hearts and welcome change instead...