Evening Prayer – Ansai quietly recalls that through God, dark death has been destroyed and radiant life is everywhere restored. Ansai reminds us to bless our God; “who holds our souls in life and suffers not our feet to slip.” For God has; “proved us as silver is tried.” Ansai asks for the Holy Spirit to...
Morning Prayer Friday 7th May 2021
Morning Prayer – Bennett rejoices with us for God’s mercy, faithfulness and love are with us. He reminds us that we are delivered from the dominion of darkness and should rejoice in each new day we live. Psalm 138 encourages us to give thanks to the Lord with our whole heart for another day –...
Evening Prayer Thursday May 6th 2021
From the deep waters of death, God brought us to new birth by raising Christ to life in triumph. Ansai recites Psalm 104 which considers the beauty of our natural world created by God; “O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.”...
Morning Prayer Thursday May 6th 2021
“Awake, my soul; awake, harp and lyre, that I may awaken the dawn.” Bennett steadfastly proclaims Psalm 57 at the start of our day. Bennett leads Morning Prayer and prays for all involved in our democratic processes today, and asks for our Lord to give great wisdom, deep commitment and right judgement. Revd. Bennett prays for...
Evening Prayer Wednesday May 5th 2021
Ansai considers Christ’s resurrection, which has given us new life and renewed hope. She asks God to help us live as new people in pursuit of the Christian ideal, and for God to grant us wisdom to know what we must do and the perseverance to complete this. What better living parable could God have...
Morning Prayer Wednesday May 5th 2021
Our priest leads Morning Prayer and recites Psalm 30, where God has turned our mornings into dancing! Revd. Bennett asks us to pray for all those involved in the shaping of young lives and that no-one, not even the youngest amongst us, is overlooked. Bennett prays for the health of those we love and that...
Evening Prayer Tuesday May 4th 2021
Our Evening Prayer and Ansai reads Psalm 96 calling us to sing to the Lord and bless his name, to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; so that the whole earth trembles before God, the heavens rejoice, the seas thunder, the fields joyful, and all trees of the wood shout for joy before the...
Morning Prayer Tuesday May 4th 2021
We have been brought from the rest of last night to the joyous light of this day and to the guiding light of eternity. Morning Prayer with Bennett who recites Psalm 19 – contemplating the glory of God – he asks that the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts, be acceptable...
Evening Prayer Monday May 3rd 2021
Ansai’s first Evening Prayer this week and she considers the message of Easter – from the gloom of the grave to the triumph of Christ’s resurrection. Ansai prays for all who bring God’s message of life as a light to those in darkness. She prays for those who bring our Lord’s word of peace to...
Morning Prayer Monday May 3rd 2021
Revd. Bennett Spong reads Psalm 145 where he asks God to; “raise the spirits of the downcast and restore those who have fallen away, that we may sing forever of God’s love.” Bennett asks the difficult questions today around Covid-19… how can God love us and stand idly by while so many people suffer? How...