The night has passed and Rick sustains us with prayers for this new day. He reads Psalm 54; “Behold God is my helper, it is the Lord who uplifts my life.” Following this thought Rick asks our Creator God at the start of each day, to help us recognise God and to notice how God...
Evening Prayer Monday March 15th 2021
Judith C thanks our Father in her prayers tonight – for he has drawn us to this church family; she asks that Christ his son help us to be messengers of God’s love, and thanks Jesus for always standing by us and for always forgiving us for straying from him. Lastly Judith prays to the...
Morning Prayer Monday March 15th 2021
Rick reads Psalm 70 for our first Morning Prayer with him this week. He calls on our God of hope and prays for those living in fear, may our Lord’s spirit give them calmness and peace. Rick also asks us to pray for our church, for those making decisions about being able to attend services...
Evening Prayer Saturday March 13th 2021
Ansai prays that God grant us patience to follow the road Christ has taken and not let our desires be for our own comfort but for the kingdom of God. Ansai reminds us of the virtue of gentleness, because this is the way to reach others, she blesses our understanding of sadness, which enables us...
Morning Prayer Saturday March 13th 2021
Liz B’s final Morning Prayer for us this week – she recites Psalm 31 asking for God’s mercy for us all, because our times are in God’s hand – blessĂ©d be the Lord for he has shown us steadfast love. Liz gives thanks for the past week, full of joys, challenges, hopes and fears. She...
Evening Prayer Friday March 12th 2021
Evening Prayer – Ansai prays that we may grow to be open and generous in our giving to others and gracious and grateful for what we receive, and to all who give to us. She asks God that we may have a joyous life, with honour, estate, and good reputation.
Morning Prayer Friday March 12th 2021
Our Morning Prayer with Liz B who recites Psalm 22; “My God my God why have you forsaken me…” Liz gives praise to God for his mercy and compassion and offers thanks that we have seen a new dawn. She asks that in our joy we pray for all living in grief, we offer hopeful...
Evening Prayer Thursday March 11th 2021
Ansai leads our Evening Prayer, asking God to open our eyes to acknowledge God’s presence, she reads from Psalm 59 reminding us God is our strong tower and our refuge in times of trouble. We can never know the greatness, sweetness and tenderness of the love that our Maker has for us – eternally marvelling...
Morning Prayer Thursday March 11th 2021
Thank you for bringing us to the start of a new day – may this day be dedicated to our Lord. We remember in our prayers all those who improve our lives and make it more successful and accessible. Liz prays for those who bring us joy. and improve our community. We remember shop workers...
Evening Prayer Wednesday March 10th 2021
Evening Prayer with Ansai who contemplates natural forces and disasters such as heavy rain and floods – sometimes seen as a punishment from God. She recites a traditional prayer which asks for good weather for farmers and gardeners that; “we may receive the fruits of the earth in due season”; so that we may learn...