Evening Prayer Saturday January 9th 2021

Evening Prayer Saturday January 9th 2021

Evening Prayer and Liz’s last compassionate prayers for this week – she offers thanks that we have seen this week through and asks God to bless our Sunday worship. Liz gives thanks for lighter evenings, hints of spring, and marks the passing of time. With God nothing stands still, time moves forward and nothing defeats...

9th January 20214th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Saturday January 9th 2021

Morning Prayer Saturday January 9th 2021

Michelle and Cecil’s joyful, last Morning Prayer of witness this week… they ask God to hear us and grant us insight and strength, so that we may always respond to hatred with love, to injustice with total dedication to justice, to need with selflessness, to war with peace, we ask God to hear our prayers...

9th January 20214th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Friday January 8th 2021

Evening Prayer Friday January 8th 2021

The Glory of the Lord rises upon us – Liz gives thanks to our Lord for all who lighten our darkness and make us laugh. We thank teachers, parents and neighbours who take time to find out how we are and patiently listen to us. Liz prays for our communal worship, that we remain together...

8th January 20214th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Friday January 8th 2021

Morning Prayer Friday January 8th 2021

May God the Father bless us, may Christ take care of us, the Holy Ghost enlighten us all the days of our life, the Lord be our defender and keeper of body and soul, both now and forever – Cecil and Michelle’s Morning Prayer.

8th January 20214th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Thursday January 7th 2021

Evening Prayer Thursday January 7th 2021

Arise, shine for your light has come – the glory of the Lord is rising upon you this Evening Prayer. Liz asks for God to protect our workforces – delivery drivers, refuse collectors, street cleaners, postal workers and community police. We also pray for all who are ill or so worried by this pandemic that...

7th January 20214th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Thursday January 7th 2021

Morning Prayer Thursday January 7th 2021

Cecil and Michelle contemplate Christ’s peace and the blessing this gives to all who live on earth, that we may be saved by this obedience to God’s will. We ask that harmony and peace bless our rulers and governments at this difficult time – our Morning Prayer.

7th January 20214th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Wednesday January 6th 2021

Evening Prayer Wednesday January 6th 2021

Liz leads Evening Prayer, from the rising of the sun to its setting, we proclaim Christ’s glory throughout the world. Liz B considers moments of joy as a blessing, for musicians, singers and for all who sing in praise of God – we consider the Magi journeying in the dark, following hope in the form...

6th January 20214th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Wednesday January 6th 2021

Morning Prayer Wednesday January 6th 2021

Michelle and Cecil remind us to thank God, to set our eyes and our hearts on our Lord afresh each day. They ask that we are blessed with God’s peace and joy, and that we offer God our praise and thanks this Morning Prayer.

6th January 20214th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Tuesday January 5th 2021

Evening Prayer Tuesday January 5th 2021

Welcome to Evening Prayer as Liz proclaims God’s glory across the world. Christ was given as a light to the nations – may our lives witness this truth. Liz prays for those who comfort and nurse the dying and for people unable to be with those they love at their death, we entrust them into...

5th January 20214th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Tuesday January 5th 2021

Morning Prayer Tuesday January 5th 2021

Blessed are you sovereign Lord creator of heaven and earth to you be praise and glory. Michelle & Cecil lead our Morning Prayer and consider the choices made when following Christ – exulting in him and asking God to make us safe from all that seeks to tempt and destroy us,  and to keep us...

5th January 20214th February 2021by