Evening Prayer Tuesday December 29th 2020

Evening Prayer Tuesday December 29th 2020

Our Evening Prayer and Bennett prays to our Lord, our light and our salvation – whose hand passes over us, guards and preserves us. Bennett considers lack of faith, the errors we make, and forgiveness of sins. Into Christ’s hands we commend our loved ones and ourselves.

29th December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Tuesday December 29th 2020

Morning Prayer Tuesday December 29th 2020

Morning Prayer – Ally asks for the light of Jesus to be with us this morning as we pray, as we follow Christ on the path of dawn into day. Enlightened by his love and wisdom Ally asks that each of us lead one another, and all God’s creatures, back to Christ’s arms.

29th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Monday December 28th 2020

Evening Prayer Monday December 28th 2020

Evening Prayer – Revd. Bennett Spong prays that we keep our faith in other people, live honestly, fearlessly and with integrity – where failure can never dishearten us. Bennet prays for the homeless in this cold weather and asks Christ to draw near with shelter, food and friendship. Bennett prays that we see good in...

28th December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Monday December 28th 2020

Morning Prayer Monday December 28th 2020

Morning Prayer and Ally W leads us this week and prays that God bestow upon us a spirit of steadfastness and encouragement to achieve unity of purpose. When love comes, light shines – this is the miracle of God.

28th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Saturday December 26th 2020

Evening Prayer Saturday December 26th 2020

Rosie’s calming Evening Prayer is her last this week, as she reminds us of our refuge in the shadow of our Lord’s wings – as we sleep or when too worried to. Rosie reminds us that the greatest gift of all at Christmas came unwrapped and was laid in a manger.

26th December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Saturday December 26th 2020

Morning Prayer Saturday December 26th 2020

Kayin, Kenya, Joshua and Patricia lead our joyful Morning Prayer for the last time this week. Their prayers are a message of redemption and renewal, entrusting all our hope, love, forgiveness and peace to God. Patricia asks for Christ’s salvation and blessing for us all, so that our hearts are filled with his love and...

26th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Friday December 25th 2020

Evening Prayer Friday December 25th 2020

Rosie leads our Christmas Day Evening Prayer. Blessed are you sovereign God, our light and our salvation – to dispel the darkness of our night you sent your son, our saviour. Rosie prays for us as we consider people less fortunate than ourselves; those living in areas of conflict, those who feel depressed and tested...

25th December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Friday December 25th 2020

Morning Prayer Friday December 25th 2020

Patricia and Kayin pray for us as we rejoice in the gift of Jesus’ birth – alleluia praise the Lord. Every blessing we find in the face of Jesus Christ our Lord. To us a child is born, to us a son is given – the darkness passes away and the true word shines. The...

25th December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Thursday December 24th 2020

Morning Prayer Thursday December 24th 2020

Patricia leads Morning Prayer with Kenya – both consider Jesus’ birth like glimmers of hope and flashes of inspiration, to light our path. Patricia asks Christ to help us reflect his light so that we may be a force for good in times of darkness.

24th December 20204th February 2021by