Morning Prayer Friday December 11th 2020

Morning Prayer Friday December 11th 2020

Liz places before God those who face great uncertainty in their future – people who have lost their jobs because of COVID-19, we pray for a renewed commitment to our common life together and to one another – our Morning Prayer.  

11th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Thursday December 10th 2020

Evening Prayer Thursday December 10th 2020

Hugh reads our Evening Prayer for the first time this week – Jesus shares our lives and hears our prayers – Hugh reminds us trust in Christ and kneel in wonder at heaven touching earth as we wait for Christ to arrive.

10th December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Thursday December 10th 2020

Morning Prayer Thursday December 10th 2020

In hope the universe waits for God’s purpose to be revealed – Liz prays for us this Morning Prayer as we trust in what is unseen, believing the best is to come. We pin our prayers and hopes in the hiddenness of a stable where the maker of all will be born, as our universe...

10th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Wednesday December 9th 2020

Evening Prayer Wednesday December 9th 2020

Evening Prayer and Adelaide prays that we live in the hope that Christ, in the form of a little baby, embodies love and that this love fills us with hope, this day and evermore.

9th December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Wednesday December 9th 2020

Morning Prayer Wednesday December 9th 2020

Morning Prayer – Liz prays for those struggling in broken relationships – especially at this time when so many fault lines run just below the surface and yet so much is expected. We await the Christ child’s arrival into the mess of this world as we pin our hopes on this fragile baby.

9th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Tuesday December 8th 2020

Evening Prayer Tuesday December 8th 2020

Adelaide prays for our eyes to be opened to our Lord’s wonders – that we may appreciate God’s glorious creation all around us and serve God with reverence, in the hope of eternal peace – our Evening Prayer.

8th December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Tuesday December 8th 2020

Morning Prayer Tuesday December 8th 2020

Morning Prayer – we bless God our mighty sovereign power, our gentle caring mother, for the great gifts bestowed to us. Liz thanks God for Creation, Scripture and Christ’s forgiving Love – shedding light in our darkness.

8th December 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Monday December 7th 2020

Evening Prayer Monday December 7th 2020

Our first Evening Prayer this week with our Curate, Revd. Adelaide, who asks our Lord to come again to heal our wounded and weary world, and nourish and sustain us all in our faith.

7th December 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Monday December 7th 2020

Morning Prayer Monday December 7th 2020

Our Rector Liz Newman reads our first Morning Prayer this week – Liz considers Christ’s advent – whether poor, proud, persecuted or privileged, Christ’s coming will make all things new. That the powerful might stumble, that the humble might be raised – Christ’s arrival will renew everything.

7th December 20204th February 2021by