Our Evening Prayer with Ali and she considers the perfection of our Lord, following St Francis of Assisi’s prayer of thanks to God for his supreme goodness and qualities such as love, strength, humility, wisdom and faith – just as important to us today as they were to Christians in the 13th century.
Morning Prayer Monday 16th November 2020
Rick leads Morning Prayer and considers Summer’s passing and the advent of Autumn mists and leaf fall – signs of harvest and God’s bounty, as we look forward to the kiss of Spring’s first touch. Rick also prays for everyone involved in caring for and teaching children – so that all young lives flourish and...
Evening Prayer Saturday November 14th 2020
Evening Prayer – our last with Ali E who prays that God’s love and brightness covers us and gives us hope in sightless places – as we hold out our hearts like cups, to catch the stars.
Morning Prayer Saturday November 14th 2020
Morning Prayer for the last time this week with Angelique, who thanks Christ for his wonderful grace which supports us with our wilderness walk upon this earth.
Evening Prayer Friday November 13th 2020
Angelique asks God to make us less fearful, to keep us safe and to hold our hand as we we walk. Evening Prayer reminds us to trust more freely and to thank God for our community and the support and sense of belonging that it affords.
Morning Prayer Friday November 13th 2020
Morning Prayer and Ali considers God’s artistry – from the harsh terrain of mountains to the mystery of morning mists dissolving in the heat of summer days – all nature speaks of an artist’a vision and bold design. God pushes-back our horizons and invites the risk-taking and curious to follow.
Evening Prayer Thursday November 12th 2020
God with us as we lie down, Christ with us watching, the Holy Spirit with us strengthening us at the end of this day – our Evening Prayer rises before God as Ali celebrates the simplicity and rhythm of our daily lives.
Morning Prayer Thursday November 12th 2020
Angelique leads Morning Prayer today and prays for justice and fair judgement, she asks our Lord to teach us his ways and to keep us on a level path today.
Evening Prayer Wednesday November 11th 2020
Angelique and Tinkerbell lead Evening Prayer and examine how we keep going when our hearts are heavy with sorrow, or when we are too tired to think clearly. In the midst of this confusion Angelique reminds us that our Lord promised us forgiveness and hope through his son’s crucifixion and resurrection and that we should...
Morning Prayer Wednesday November 11th 2020
Morning Prayer and Ali prays Remembrance Day deepens our sorrow for the loss and waste of war, makes us more grateful to those who gave their lives to defend our way of life, gives us hope for all who are affected by war to know Christ’s healing love, and gives us determination and wisdom to...