Evening Prayer Saturday October 17th 2020

Evening Prayer Saturday October 17th 2020

Evening Prayer for the final time this week with Sheila and Jim – who’s turn it is to lead us tonight. Jim uses a traditional Irish blessing and prays that God holds us all in the palm of his hand tonight and always.

17th October 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Saturday October 17th 2020

Morning Prayer Saturday October 17th 2020

Morning Prayer is read for the last time by Rick this week and he reminds us that like Christ’s disciples, we should become more like little children; Rick prays that we strive for the welfare & protection of all children and young people, so that they are treated with respect and can flourish.

17th October 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Friday October 16th 2020

Evening Prayer Friday October 16th 2020

Sheila prays for help from our Lord – so that we may have mercy and compassion upon our earth and see out of the dullest and most commonplace things – God’s amazing grace.

16th October 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Friday October 16th 2020

Morning Prayer Friday October 16th 2020

We pray together with Rick for Morning Prayer – as he considers the richness of God’s words of unending love – which taste sweeter than honey and are more valuable than finest gold. Rick prays for an increase of Christ’s gift of faith, peace, and hopefulness as we look to the future. 25

16th October 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Thursday October 15th 2020

Evening Prayer Thursday October 15th 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Our Evening Prayer rises before us as Jim asks for God’s blessed light to warm our hearts and in all our comings and goings that we may always be greeted kindly along our way.  [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

15th October 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Thursday October 15th 2020

Morning Prayer Thursday October 15th 2020

Morning Prayer and Rick asks God to help us pray – we are lonely but in God is our strength, peace and patience. Whatever this day may bring… Rick prays for God to help us to live in this moment now, to the praise and glory of Christ.

15th October 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Wednesday October 14th 2020

Evening Prayer Wednesday October 14th 2020

Evening Prayer and Jim thanks God for allowing him to be Christ’s vessel, spreading love to others through action. Jim contemplates being salt and light to many people but especially to those who feel lost.

14th October 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Wednesday October 14th 2020

Morning Prayer Wednesday October 14th 2020

Time for Morning Prayer and Rick reminds us that we stand alongside all that is made by our Lord. From soaring birds to scuttling insects, all are God’s creation and as such we must remember to see God in all things.

14th October 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Tuesday October 13th 2020

Evening Prayer Tuesday October 13th 2020

Sheila and Jim are alternating readings for Evening Prayer this week. Tonight Sheila prays for us all – that our bodies may rest as we sleep – and that the seeds we have sewn today shall reap rewards.

13th October 20204th February 2021by
Morning Prayer Tuesday October 13th 2020

Morning Prayer Tuesday October 13th 2020

Our Morning Prayer for today is led by Rick, who prays that we live today compassionate of heart, sensitive and aware of other’s feelings and needs and courageous enough to fight for the vulnerable.

13th October 20204th February 2021by