Morning Prayer Wednesday 30th October 2020

Morning Prayer Wednesday 30th October 2020

Peter greets us with our Morning Prayer and asks that we pray for our families and for those we do not know – especially people who are homeless and in need of compassion and love – to hold all in our prayers today – in Jesus Christ’s name.  

30th September 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Tuesday September 29th 2020

Evening Prayer Tuesday September 29th 2020

Evening Prayer – Nicholas and Joseph pray together for us, so that we may be open to our Lord’s wonders, serve all with reverence, and know our Lord’s peace at the time of our end.

29th September 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Saturday September 26th 2020

Evening Prayer Saturday September 26th 2020

In her last Evening Prayer this week – Liz asks that we appreciate the simple things of life, strive for justice for all, live in harmony with our neighbours and in the peace of our Lord.

26th September 20204th February 2021by
Evening Prayer Friday September 25th 2020

Evening Prayer Friday September 25th 2020

In Evening Prayer Liz asks that Christ support and lead us on our journey and help us consider and pray for those of us who fall asleep scared of what the morning might bring, not knowing where the next meal may come from.

25th September 20204th February 2021by