Liz contemplates breaking down the barriers that divide us in our Evening Prayer; to remove prejudice and alienation so that we may live together as loving neighbours, and follow Christ’s example.
Morning Prayer Thursday September 24th 2020
In our Morning Prayer today, May asks that those who suffer from depression be sent renewed hopefulness, through our Lord’s redeeming love and acceptance.
Evening Prayer Wednesday September 23rd 2020
Evening Prayer is read by Liz our Rector – who prays for us all to have strength to defend the weak and the poor, and for God to show us where our love and faith can be of practical value to others.
Morning Prayer Wednesday September 23rd 2020
We pray alongside May in our Morning Prayer today, for Christ’s justice and mercy for our world.
Evening Prayer Tuesday September 22nd 2020
Liz prays that the Lord bless us with renewed vision as we dream, and with the love of the Holy Spirit as we sleep, this night and every night.
Morning Prayer Tuesday September 22nd 2020
Morning Prayer is lead by May today, who prays for God’s strength and understanding in our daily lives – as Christ shared family life at home in Nazareth.
Evening Prayer Monday September 21st 2020
Evening Prayer is led by our Rector Revd. Liz Newman, who prays for those who are fearful and isolated tonight – that God will bring us all nearer to him.
Morning Prayer Monday September 21st 2020
May reads our first Morning Prayer this week and contemplates how Christ’s love and support sustains us as we pray.
Evening Prayer Saturday September 19th 2020
Patricia reads our last Evening Prayer for us this week and asks God to empower us through our memories, and to help us to be a consistent source of light for those around us.
Morning Prayer Saturday September 19th 2020
Sonia’s final Morning Prayer this week – she prays for today and that we may know God’s peace and love.