Dom reads our Evening Prayer for the last time this week. He prays for a time of reflection, of peace and rest and that God will bring us safely through this glorious night.
Morning Prayer Saturday September 12th 2020
Our last Morning Prayer with Joelle this week – she prays that we love God above all things and love our neighbours as we would love ourselves.
Evening Prayer Friday September 11th 2020
In our Evening Prayer Dom prays for those who cannot sleep, because they are troubled and asks that God guide us and walk alongside us always.
Morning Prayer Friday September 11th 2020
For our Morning Prayer Joelle asks that God keeps us and all we love and meet today, in his peace.
Evening Prayer Thursday September 10th 2020
Dom asks the Lord of the night to be with us through our hours of darkness in our Evening Prayer.
Morning Prayer Thursday September 10th 2020
Joelle reads our Morning Prayer and asks for serenity as we face the next day with confidence.
Evening Prayer Wednesday September 9th 2020
Our Evening Prayer is read by Dom and he has chosen St Augustin’s prayer asking God to watch over those who sleep.
Morning Prayer Wednesday September 9th 2020
Our Morning Prayer is read by Joelle, who prays for Christ to be with us, beside us, in moments of quiet and always in our hearts.
Evening Prayer Tuesday September 8th 2020
Evening Prayer is lead by Dom – who reads St Francis of Assisi’s prayer – confident of God’s protection for this day.
Morning Prayer Tuesday September 8th 2020
Our Morning Prayer is read by Joelle who prayers for God’s peace and joy, and that these gifts fill our lives as we go about our day.