Easter Sunday Eucharist, 4 April, 10.00am at St Luke’s

This celebration Eucharist will take place at St Luke’s Church, The Village, SE7 8UG at 10.00am. Unfortunately all ticketed seats are booked. If you would like to attend Easter Sunday Eucharist you can still book a ticketed place at St Thomas’ Church (see adjacent post on this page), where a similar service will start at 10.00am. St Thomas’ Church, Woodland Terrace, SE7 8EW

 ‘I am the resurrection and the life’ You are very welcome at St Luke’s to celebrate Easter and all it means.

Because of Covid-19 restrictions, you must book a ticket to attend this service

This service will also be broadcast live on Zoom, on our YouTube channel, or you can listen via any telephone.

Download details how to join the service

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