Our Maundy Thursday Eucharist will begin shortly after 8.00pm, after the national clap for the NHS.

Download Order of Service


The Eucharist will be livestreamed on Zoom, or you can listen in on any telephone

Download joining instructions


Watching online

To watch the service on Zoom, you will need to click on this link: https://zoom.us/j/744483056. This will download a small programme or app to your device (computer, tablet or smartphone).


If you are using Zoom for the first time, you will need to create a free account.


You may find you also need this meeting ID: 744 483 056. (There is no password needed to watch the service).

(Zoom can be added to your smartphone or tablet free from the app store, or click on the link on your computer and it will download automatically)


Listening over the phone

You can listen to the service on any telephone. There is a local number you’ll need to call.

  • You should call: 020 3051 2874.
  • When you are asked to enter the meeting ID followed by the # key, you should press: 744483056#.
  • You will then be asked to enter the participant ID or to just press #. You should just press #.


When you join the service there will be music playing. We will begin shortly after 8.00pm, following the national clap for the NHS.


The service will be recorded and posted later on the website.

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