Since April 2020 we have produced Morning and Evening Prayer 6 days a week and posted them on the website. We’ve recently run a questionnaire to find out how helpful people find them.
What came across from your feedback was:
- It’s helpful to have that reminder to pray twice a day
- People appreciate being asked to lead the prayers
- People have felt a sense of togetherness through the prayers
- Some people have joined the online community through M and EP
- More people use the prayers occasionally than every day
- Having prayers posted twice a day has made some people more prayerful
- Morning Prayer would be better posted earlier for some people
We’re now working on a different format for Morning and Evening Prayer which we hope to have up and running week beginning June 14th. To give us time to arrange that, between Monday 7th and Saturday 12th June we’d like to direct you to another online daily prayer resource: New Pilgrim Path Pray as You Go. We hope this link will sustain you until we’re ready to launch our own resources in a week’s time.
Here’s the link
Scroll down to Pray as You Go and you’ll find resources for every day of the week
‘Pray without ceasing’ 1 Thessalonians 5
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