Morning Prayer Thursday April 22nd 2021

Naomi’s Morning Prayer contemplates the Easter season – in Christ’s resurrection let heaven and earth rejoice! Naomi reminds us that we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed. She prays for God to show us how to un-clutter our lives and seek simplicity, to listen to our hearts and welcome change instead of fearing it. Naomi gives to God our doubt, despair, restlessness, all our longing, and asks for our Lord to help us listen seriously to signs of change and growth, to follow them through the breathtaking space of an open door that is our faith. Inspired by her reading of Psalm 136, Naomi reminds us to look to God who knows all, seen and unseen. She thanks God for the merciful gift of nature and reminds us to be merciful to the natural world. She asks God to show us how to care for our earth better than we do now and reminds us that God has prosperous plans for all creation; in following this example, we must show mercy and grace to others. Naomi places us in God’s hands and mercy – truly the best place to be to make us all we should be.

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