Tackling the Impact of Growing Up in Poverty
I want to invite you to XLP’s next conference Tackling the Impact of Growing Up in Poverty on Wednesday 28th February at 6:30pm. We currently have Early Bird Tickets available, so get one while you can! 
Conference speakers include Iain Duncan Smith MP, David Lammy MP, Rev Dr Sam Wells and Patrick Regan OBE, chaired by ITN’s Nina Hossain.

Join us for an evening of high profile discussion and debate, centred around the experiences of young people who have been impacted by poverty. 
We are holding this conference because poverty amongst children is rising rapidly. XLP sees the damage firsthand. We work in inner-city London, in 7 of the 10 most deprived local authorities in the entire country.
Child poverty’s impact goes far beyond money. Its leaves children far more likely to end up facing unfulfilled academic potential and mental health challenges.
Mitigating child poverty’s damage needs to be about more than just increasing Government spending. Increased funding for children’s services is needed; but services need to be far more relational in order to address poverty’s true impact. XLP’s frontline experience makes it abundantly clear that long-term, trusted relationships are the best way to address the complex challenges poverty places on children.
If you want to be at the cutting edge of the debate about tackling the impact of child poverty, we would love to see you there. 

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