Prayer for Zimbabwe

On Wednesday 15 November, the Diocese issued the following prayer for Zimbabwe, written by the Dean of Southwark, which all are encouraged to use.

‘The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.’ Deut. 33.27

Loving God,
just and gentle ruler,
hold in your care our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe
at this time of political uncertainty,
at this time of national crisis.
Bring light out of the darkness,
hope out of the fear
and your peace which leads to life
in Jesus Christ our Lord.


Also on Wednesday 15 November:

On Thursday 16 November, the Archbishop of Cantebury issued the following statement:

“In recent days I have been following events in Zimbabwe closely and praying intensely for a peaceful solution to this situation. I am praying for the whole nation of Zimbabwe – its people, its military, its political leaders – that they may find a path forward that leads to the flourishing of this nation and all its people.

To the Church in Zimbabwe: your brothers and sisters around the Anglican Communion stand with you in prayer, solidarity and hope. Your faith, courage and persistence in the face of difficult times has long been an example to the world. May God strengthen, protect and guide you as you seek to bear witness to the love of Christ at this deeply challenging time.

The Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations have called for prayer for the nation, for calm and peace, and for respect of human dignity. To Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, I pray that these calls are heard in the coming days, weeks and months.”

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